Friday, December 13, 2013

I am H

I am H, H as Human. I am a human being, I am not perfect, I am not even close to being one. I am not the best, but I am something. I am the best ME there is. i dare you to find a better me. I owe myself to be the best me, I am obliged to become the best I can.
Sounds a bit cliche, but life is a series of clichés, it's what you make of these clichés what matters.

Do not be distracted by people that say that you can not do something you wake up wanting to do. You can, if you work hard and keep on doing it. Do not let people keep you down by saying you are not this or that, they are jealous. THEY can't do it, that does NOT mean you can't! Just do it. What is holding you back? You don't have the necessary means? Find another way. Be creative. Just do it.

You want to be a lawyer? Study hard, study harder than anyone else. Take those exams, stuff those good grades down those mean professors mouths. You want to be a architect? Draw, study, imagine, read and you can! You want to be a dancer? No one is holding you  back. You can start right now, put on your favourite tune and dance. Do it every day, every free moment you got, spend it dancing. watch videos, listen, visualise those moves. You already are a dancer. We are the generation who can do anything we put our minds to.

So stop reading this (unless you want to be a blogger or something, than keep reading posts) and start doing what you want. Success is not something that will find you, YOU have to find it. When do you have it? When in the mornings you think that today I can do what I want with whom I want. I am not talking about sex (unless you want to be a porn actress or a prostitute, if so, go right a head). If you find that thing that makes you happy and you can not think of a thing you would rather do than it, then GO FOR IT & PLEASE DON'T STOP UNTIL YOU MAKE IT!


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